Emergency nuclear contamination filter made with easily obtained items(nuclear fallout protection)

1 year ago

Emergency NBC filter you can make with easily obtained items. If you need to shelter in place during an event where the air is contaminated if you can’t filter the air you will be completely exposed to the nuclear contamination in this case leaving may not be an option because you would be exposed. You can use gas mask but there are issues with long term use of gas mask like eating and drinking. This filter would give you some added protection in a sealed area to allow for staying in place for longer time periods. This filter is based on designs use at nuclear power stations. It is not as good as the filters you can buy but it cost less than $100 to make. The filters you can purchase cost from $1000 and much higher. This is one you can have to at least attempt to filter air in your shelter to help reduce the contaminates you may encounter during an emergency.

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