Personal Growth || When You're Overwhelmed: How to Relax into Ease and Flow

1 year ago

#PersonalGrowth #WhenYoureOverwhelmed #ShayoliHope

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How to Relax into Ease and Flow

When you're overwhelmed, you're doing life awkwardly. But there's a simple way to start living in your natural element of grace.

In this video I recite the poem "The Swan" by Rainer Maria Rilke.

Swans walk so awkwardly on land, waddling along and throwing their weight from side to side, looking like they don't belong.

But they're given grace simply by making contact the water--their natural element. They flow through it so seemingly effortlessly and smoothly. You can't detect the method of locomotion as their powerful legs propel them forward beneath the water.

What is your natural element--the place, activity, or people--which gives you grace and helps you live in ease and flow?

Action opportunity for personal growth:
- Make your own "water list" of things that give you grace.
- Find the common denominator of the items on your list.
- What's your key word? (Flow, Connection, Creativity, Nature, Play, etc.)

Then make your "Land list"--when you show up awkwardly or overwhelmed.
Which of these can you minimize or eliminate?

Violinmaker story: Simply making contact with your element immediately turns awkwardness into grace.

Beautiful questions:
How can you expand the feeling of living a graceful life?
Is your live cohesive, meaningful, and in service to others?

The Swan
by Rainer Maria Rilke
translated by Robert Bly

This clumsy living that moves lumbering
as if in ropes through what is not done,
reminds us of the awkward way the swan walks.
And to die, which is the letting go
of the ground we stand on and cling to every day,
is like the swan, when he nervously lets himself down into the water, which receives him gaily
and which flows joyfully under
and after him, wave after wave,
while the swan, unmoving and marvelously calm,
is pleased to be carried, each moment more fully grown, more like a king, further and further on.

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