Dr. Steven Hatfill on FBI raids and hydroxychloroquine

2 years ago

Oct 22, 2022
Source: www.rumble.com/v1p9xzt-dr.-steven-hatfill-on-fbi-raids-and-hydroxychloroquine.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2

Virologist and biological defense specialist Dr. Steven Hatfill understands what it's like to be raided by the FBI without probable cause. The prominent scientist was a media and DOJ target for the 2001 anthrax attacks. The FBI raided his home and surveilled him relentlessly.

About two decades later, he became one of President Trump's advisors. Now, he's speaking the truth about COVID-19, its effective treatments, the truth about social distancing, COVID's impact in Africa, his take on compromised federal agents, and much more.

I sat down with Dr. Hatfill for an interview at the Florida Summit on COVID.

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