You think they aren't spraying stuff over your head? WATCH THIS! Official statement proving it real!

2 years ago

So you think chemtrails are just bullshit that some conspiracy theorists came up with?
Spanish governement spraying biocides on their people. Source official state bulletin.
Giving the order to the ARMED FORCES to carry out these operations.

Besides that its admitted officially that wheater control is beiing carried out by the same means.

Among the most effective disinfection techniques are the use of aerial media, because through them, with nebulization techniques, thermonebulization and micronebulization, all surfaces are reached quickly, avoiding depending onmanual application, which is slower, and sometimes does not reach all surfaces because there are obstacles that prevent reaching them. The CBRN defense units of the Armed Forces and the Military Unit of Emergencies (UME) have personal means, materials, procedures and the sufficient training to carry out aerial disinfection, since they areoperations that they execute regularly, with the exception that instead of usingbiocidal products do it with other decontaminating chemicals. It is thereforethat, in view of the foregoing and the effect of improving and streamlining the operations ofdisinfection of all types of facilities that the Armed Forces personnel come tocarrying out, it is considered appropriate to authorize, exceptionally and for the duration of thestate of alarm, the CBRN Defense Units of the Armed Forces and the UME,the use of disinfectants and biocides from main group 1 described in article 1.1of Royal Decree 830/2010, of June 25, which establishes the regulationsregulation of training to carry out treatments with biocides.

Madrid, April 16, 2020.–The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa Roca.
No. 107 Friday, April 17, 2020 Sec. I. Page 29199cve: BOE-A-2020-4492

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