President Biden admits that it's 'totally legitimate' to question his age and health

1 year ago

President Biden admits that it's 'totally legitimate' to question his age and health
President Biden admitted in an interview Sunday that it was "totaly legitimate" to have concerns over his age and health.

While appearing on MSNBC’s "The Sunday Show," host Jonathan Capehart questioned the president on growing doubts from supporters, such as his Aunt Gloria, on whether he should run again in 2024. Although Biden suggested that Capehart’s aunt should "take a look" if she’s nervous, he called the concerns "totally legitimate."

"I think it’s a legitimate thing to be concerned about anyone’s age, including mine. That’s totally legitimate. But I think the best way to make the judgment is to, you know, watch me. Am I slowing up? Am I — don’t have the same pace?" Biden said.

He also added that there could very well be issues that prevent him from running again in 2024, though he considers them unlikely.

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