How the Kingdom of Heaven works

1 year ago

No matter where you live on this earth, you should have some understanding that our society has structure, rules, and boundaries that govern us. Even the most primitive societies have developed a system of authority and rule that governs their lives and how they interact with the world. The way we govern ourselves may look different from continent to continent, country to country, state to state, and community to community but we all have systems in place to keep order. The Kingdom of God is no exception to this rule, it has a structural and organization system that governs it citizens. It does not function as a democracy, republic, or regime. A Kingdom has a King/Queen who is the ultimate authority and passer down of rules and regulations that govern their Kingdom. The people do not get to vote on how things are going to go, they may be allowed to share their opinion, or they may not, and they do not have the option to vote out the head of state. God’s kingdom does not work like what we see here in an American because we are used to individual freedom, democracy, and the ability to change the direction of our society every election cycle.
We have discussed for some time now how God’s Kingdom is spread by studying the parables of Jesus Christ and now we are going use His parables to gain understanding of how God’s Kingdom functions. There may be societies on this earth who have great understanding of how a kingdom functions, but none understand how an eternal kingdom function. Monarchies by nature must change heads of state because no one lives forever, but God’s kingdom has no such problem as God always has been in authority, is in authority, and always will be in authority. With that being established, we know God’s kingdom has consistency in order, structure, authority, and rules. If the ruler does not change then we should not expect the way the kingdom is governed to change, if the ruler is eternal then so is the structure of His kingdom. We are going to examine the parables of Jesus that pertain to this eternal kingdom and see just how we should live our lives to establish our residency with in it. If we want to be part of His Kingdom, then we must learn the ways of the King (authority) so that we can be productive members of His kingdom.

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