We judge YOUR Christians Memes (good & bad)

2 years ago

Share your TOP 3 in the comments!
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:::Jordan's Second Channel:::

:::Jordan's Podcast:::

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Thank you for watching! We are a couple of brothers from Nashville, Tennessee who have enjoyed making videos together since we were little kids. We've gotten married to a couple of awesome girls since then, and they show up on the channel sometimes too! If you would like to get in touch, feel free to shoot us an email. We love hearing from people! Send us an email!

Jordan: http://www.instagram.com/messy_jordan
Kelli: http://www.instagram.com/keenertaylor
Sara: http://www.instagram.com/life_as_saylor

:::Blimey Cow Links:::

Memes submitted by:
Abby Johler
Andrew Johnston
April Flint
Caleb Muhling
Claudia Martinez
Eliana Henry
Eli Houseman
Ethan Haase
Ethan Trotz
Gabe Constante
Isaac Henry
Isaiah Roberts
Jack Irwin
John Muller
Joseph Cunningham
Julian Goggins
Julian Morlett
Katherine Padilla
Kyle Sholten
Lauren Anderson
Matthew Esteban
Michael Piehl
Mihaela Baker
Natalie Hahn
Natasha Salvador
Nathan Balos
Nathan Griffin
Nathan Scott
Rachel Keyser
Taylor Johnson
Tim Santiago

0:00 Intro
0:49 20. Don't Overcomplicate It
0:59 19. Adam & Eve Get Stink Eye
1:06 18. "How about Zachariah?"
1:23 17. Achshhtuually...
1:54 16. ME 2 ME
2:15 15. Mommy Says "No"
2:25 14. Daddy God Says "Stop"
2:57 13. Causing Your Crush to Stumble
3:08 12. Josh Tricks Content ID
3:45 11. A Lot to unpack here
4:30 10. Avengers Eat Their Veggies
5:17 9. Secular Movie Reference
5:23 8. Fake Mom Be Like
5:38 Thanks, Squarespace!
6:56 7. POV: Devil Watches Jesus Resurrect
7:21 6. Atheist/Christian Debate
7:31 5. Unpleasing Toiletries
7:36 4. Trade Offer!
7:56 3. Anakin of Tarsus
8:17 2. Premarital Eye Contact
8:50 1. Hey, are you asleep?
9:21 Jordan Reveals His Favorite

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