Reclaiming Biblical Womanhood: The Hebrew Israelite Custom of the Woman's Head Covering in the Torah

1 year ago

Genesis 24:62-67 (TLV) ~ Now Isaac had come from visiting Beer-lahai-roi and was living in the land of the Negev. 63) Isaac went out to meditate strolling in the field at dusk. Then he lifted up his eyes and saw, behold, camels were coming. 64) Rebekah also lifted up her eyes and saw Isaac. Then she fell off her camel. 65) Then she said to the servant, “Who is that man there who is walking in the field—to meet us?” The servant said, “He is my master.” So she took THE VEIL and COVERED HERSELF. 66) Then the servant recounted to Isaac all the things he had done. 67) Then Isaac brought her into the tent of Sarah his mother, took Rebekah and she became his wife—and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after the loss of his mother.

Straitway Life Bible Commentary From a Hebrew Roots Perspective For 10/24/2022. Today is part 2 of our series on the biblical woman's head covering per 1 Corinthians 11:1-16. Today, we are going to take a detour and look at the pre-Israelite and old covenant Hebrew Israelite practice of married women ALWAYS wearing a head covering. Today we visit the Torah and see from Genesis 24 and Numbers 5 that our female ancestors wore the head covering. It was not something brand new that came on the scene at the time of the Apostle Paul within the context of the 1st century Corinthian Assembly of Yahweh. After viewing todays "thorough" teaching, you will see that Paul was NOT merely dealing with a cultural issue that does not apply to us today. He was building on a practice and ordinance that was already in existence going back to the Torah of Yahweh. The Christian and Israelite practice of wearing a head covering ( the women ) goes beyond any one culture, any specific Church of God assembly, or any one specific point in time ( Recorded From Phoenix, Arizona )

Welcome one and all, friends, and saints of the Most High YAH. We greet you in the mighty name of Yahshua Messiah ( Jesus Christ ). We are a part of the Israel of God teaching the pure and unadulterated word of Almighty Yahweh from both the Hebrew and New Testament scriptures. We are not a so-called sacred name group who never uses the name of Jesus Christ but we do pursue using the real Hebrew names of the Father and Son. Psalm 68:4 (NKJV) reads: "Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds by His name YAH, and rejoice before Him". By keeping His Torah as the Holy Spirit leads ( honoring His commands ) and imitating the living Torah ( Christ ), we show our love for our great Elohim. God's grace given to us through our savior Yahshua does not give us license to continue practicing sin ( the breaking of His laws ). 1 John 2:3-4 reads: "And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He that says I know Him, and keeps not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him". HalleluYAH

Follow and subscribe to Straitway Life ( A Hebrew Roots Israelite Assembly of Yahweh & Yahshua ) on these social media platforms: We consider ourselves the original Christians as we endeavor to return to the 1st century model of worship laid out for us by Jesus Christ and His apostles.


We use a variety of bible translations to help us better discover and understand the original intent of the author, the context of a bible passage, and the meaning of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. You will find us often use the 2009 ISR bible translation produced by the Institute for Scripture Research. We embrace the weekly seventh day Shabbat ( the sabbath day ) and annual feast days of Yahweh God, adhere to the dietary laws, and guard the Torah seeking to understand and apply it more fully in light of what has been revealed through Messiah Yahshua and the apostles in new testament scripture.

#Hebrewroots #Messianic #Christian #Torah #Jesus #Christ #Church #SacredName #Bible #Sabbath #Shabbat #headcovering #1corinthians11

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