Keeping the Faith - Preaching to Kids - 2022-10-23

1 year ago

Keeping the Faith - Preaching to Kids - 2022-10-23

Welcome / Prayer
Scripture Readings
Sir 35:12-18, Ps 34, 2 Tm 4:6-18, Lk 18:9-14

1st Reading - he hears the cry of the oppressed - God hears the prayer of the poor.
The humble man’s prayers pierces the clouds

GOSPEL - for whoever exalts himself will be humbled,
and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.
Jesus tells the parable of the proud Pharisee who prayed from his self-importance and the tax collector who prayed humbly.
Last Sunday was about the power of persistent prayer this Sunday is about the peril of presumptuous prayer
Humble and human are connected both come from humorous which means dirt so the humble person is the person who understands that we are all created from the soil from the dirt with our feet firmly planted on the ground, this is about being honest as to who we are before God
CS Lewis said humility is not thinking less of yourself - it is thinking of yourself less

2nd Reading - Saint Paul - 2Timothy 4:7
Paul perseveres in faith, confident that God will rescue him
I have competed well; I have finished the race;
I have kept the faith.
From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me
Saint Paul is imprisoned waiting trial. He knows it is going to be the end. A direct translation from the Greek would be Paul is preparing and is ready to set sail to release himself from the moorings and set sail. Which is saying that Paul sees his eminent death not as an ending but as a beginning
He said his life is being poured out like a libation. Libation is pouring wine out as before a garden. Paul realizes that most people think that life is about what you get what you take in the more I get the happier I am. But policies his life has been poured out he has been pouring out everything not taking in but pouring out for the gospel for God for Christ giving himself fully and completely without reservation for God Paul measures his life not by how much he has accumulated but rather by how much he has given away
The good life is defined by our capacity for selflessness


I have competed well
Special Olympics
Tax Collector vs Pharisee - I am better than others
Pharisee did not go to the temple to pray he went to inform God as to how great he was. The tax Collector acknowledges his many sins and asks for God's mercy.
Hear the cries if the poor

I have finished the race
Does it say he won the race? No
When a job has once begun, never leave it till it's done. Whether the task be great or small, do it right or not at all.
Consider having two kids race and stop half way..

I have kept the faith
God never asked me to be successful....
It is easy to quit, easy to give up
Putting God first

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