Killzone Trading Strategy

2 years ago

Killzone Trading Strategy
Forex Killzone Strategy

What is a Killzone in trading?
Killzone Trading Strategy
High volatility areas where you can take advantage of a great advantage when trading intraday. Killzone: A killzone is an area, a time interval where there is high volatility and coincides with market pre-openings.

What is sniper entry strategy?
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The Sniper trading strategy breaks some of the Price Action principles in some way. It is designed for short, 5-minute intervals within a day with a short range of profit for one trade, so the strategy can be referred to as scalping in a way.

What is sniper entry in Forex?
Killzone Trading Strategy
This is an entry technique that helps you identify high probably break out trades. Here are the things to look for: You want to have the market to be in a range for at least 80 candles or more. Wait for the 20 MA to support the price before a breakout.

What are the forex trading sessions?
There are generally four main trading sessions: the Sydney session, Tokyo session, London Session, and the New York session. Both the Sydney and Tokyo sessions are customarily referred to as Asian sessions. This is why Forex is usually referred to as the 3-session market: Asian, London, and New York.

What is New York session in forex?
New York Session (13:00-21:00 GMT)

Roughly 19% of all forex transactions are carried out here. Big market-moving potential: 85% of trades involve the US dollar. High liquidity in the morning hours when it overlaps the London session. Most economic news reports are released at the beginning of the session.

What is scalping trading strategy?
Scalping is a trading style that specializes in profiting off of small price changes and making a fast profit off reselling. Scalping requires a trader to have a strict exit strategy because one large loss could eliminate the many small gains the trader worked to obtain.

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