Thy Kingdom Come, Part 23: Battle Between Two Religions

1 year ago

He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad. Matthew 12:30

Many people have the false idea that there are hundreds of religions. But in an ultimate sense, there are actually only two: God’s word and man’s word. Ken Ham

Many American Christians do not realize that the intense spiritual warfare being waged for the soul America is really a religious war. And in the biblical worldview, there are really only 2 religions. Every person alive is practicing one or the other. Neutrality is impossible. If we fail to found our lives on the Word of God, we will flounder our lives trusting in the words of man. If we are not actively standing with Christ in this hour, we are standing against Him.

Join us this weekend as Pastor Ray explains the true nature of our conflict today as "The Battle Between 2 Religions".


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