2 years ago

What type of person still votes demon-crat, after so much evidence has been put in front of them? We know their leaders are mostly wicked. Perhaps some are misinformed or under delusion. What about the typical democrat voter?

Welcome to The REALLY Real Deal and our SUNDAY MESSAGE for October 23, 2022.

Many have seen the light and repented. They will vote for biblical issues (which means they will vote Republican with us.)
But those ordinary citizens who persist in voting demon-crat in spite of all this evidence of their evil: they are either wicked or they are so very blinded by the enemies' deceit, that they are still under delusion.

However, there is one more possible explanation: "...and God sent them Strong Delusion, that they should believe a lie, because they received not the love of truth." - 2 Thessalonians 2:11. Enjoy the program.

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