Castlevania: The Adventure No-Death Playthrough (Game Boy Player Capture)

1 year ago

This is a capture of me playing through Castlevania: The Adventure for the Game Boy. This is not an emulator. This footage was captured directly from my GameCube using my Game Boy Player with progressive scan mode enabled (you'll need the GameCube's component cables to do this and your model of GameCube must support component out as well).

This is a no-death run.

I purchased Castlevania: The Adventure brand new off eBay back around 2000 or 2001 for only $30. I had just started getting heavy into the Castlevania series about two years prior, and I was interested in seeing what this game was like (I couldn't exactly look at footage on Youtube back then). Unfortunately, I found out the hard way that the first Game Boy Castlevania game wasn't too good.

The biggest problem with Castlevania: The Adventure is that your character moves at a snail's pace. I've never seen another game move this slow, and it really affects the gameplay, making it extremely difficult to dodge enemies or deal with platforms.

The game is also brutally difficult because of the near-constant requirement to jump from the absolute edge of platforms, the overall level design, and the fact that your whip gets downgraded every time you get hit. I don't know why Konami thought this whip-downgrade feature was a good design decision, but it's something that should never be repeated. There are also no subweapons, which really limits the combat. Luckily though, the game is really short.

The music, however, isn't too bad, and the levels do have a nice flow to them. The game is just terribly imbalanced.

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the GameCube's component cables at 60 frames per second. I'm using an original model Game Boy Advance as a controller via a GameCube/Game Boy Advance Link Cable.

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