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The Goddess's Descent

2 years ago

The weekend leading up to the New Moon/Partial Solar Exclipse will impact the energetic influences of the New moon. On the 22nd of October Venus reached her Star Point and joined the Sun in the sign of Libra at 30 degrees. The Sabian Symbol for 30 degrees of Libra is is 3 amounts of knowledge on a philosopher's head philosopher's head. And this reminds me of the mind body and soul harmonic balance that we strive to achieve. As this knowledge is sitting on this philosopher's head it's 1st head I feel that we will have a new wave of wisdom/or knowledge that will come to us . When the sun and Venus become one she sits on the lap of the king, So the King's light will be shining through her. This is an energy that is moving us and to more of a creative time. Venus is connected to nature, our natural world, she's about love beauty beauty art as well as wealth. One of her zodiac signs is Taurus and Taurus is about our daily lives, And our daily work routine and this is going to tap in to our health. Venus is about relationships and how we work with others, This is how we receive love, so this could really be a time when we are looking more at our health and our well being and bringing that into more of a daily routine.


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