GEFNFL Week 6 Recap 10/21/2022

1 year ago

Hey everybody, Welcome back to another GEFNFL Game Summary

WEEK 6 – Game Summary, 10/21/2022 Recap

A very calm evening starting off in the mild 60’s and slowly cooling to the low 40s by the final whistle. Unsuccessfully trying to get a final score extended the ending game time to about 9:15 PM for about a full 3 hour game. No shortage of players this week, as we started off with a 9 on 9 game, going to a 10 on 10 game once a everyone got there. Fan count was rookie Ian Thielecke’s son, 3 neighborhood kid, a pair of dog walkers, with so many player on the field, we also had extra staff Dave Dubberstein and Paul Van Schaick there for game commentary.

The camera crew suffered a camera equipment failure because the main camera did not have its memory chip. This forced us to use Alex’s body cam for all the game. It does not have any kind of zoom feature, but with so many player on the field it may have worked out better.

With Teams pretty evenly matched, Red Team was the first to drive down and score a touchdown with a nice redzone pass from Torres to Kappel. Blue Teams answers that score with a touchdown drive of their own, with a pass from Oremus at the first down marker to Tehan who then runs it in for the touchdown weaving his way through Reds defense.

This is where the battle between the two defense began to heat up. The next few drives by both teams end on fourth down stops, with one interception by the rookie Thielecke on Blue Team. Red Team prevented Blue team from capitalizing off of that interception, with redzone fourth down stop. Then put together a nice drive pick up whatever yardage they could get just to be stop once again at midfield by Blue Team, who then got stop again at in the redzone by Red Teams defense.

Red Team was finally able to put together an awesome drive down the field with their next drive, making it to midfield followed by an amazing 30-yard pass from White to Chavez scoring Red Team their second touchdown of the game. Then there was another back and forth battle between the defenses until finally Blue Team made a big play, and that was about a 50-yard pass from Weideman to Barta, which set them up for a nice redzone pass from Weideman to Bartlett for Blues second Touchdown of the game tying the game up.

Red Team drives back down on their next drive getting stop by Blue Team in the redzone, then Red Team prevents Blue Team from getting out of the hole stopping them at the 1-yard line. Setting up Red Team for a perfectly executed block and push by Schott for Orozco to quarterback sneak to the right scoring Red Team their third and final touchdown of the game.

For the last hour of the game it was a never ending battle of the defense with so many interceptions for both teams bring us into double, triple overtime. Eventually instead of calling for last touchdown we just called for to give Blue Team their final drive, which ended up being pick off by Orozco on Red Team ending the game.

With a 10 verse 10 game, that was a great game

Final Score

Red - 3 TDs, 9 Ints, 1 Sack

Blue - 2 TDs, 5 Ints

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