New Revelation... Jesus explains Influence of the spiritual Teaching ❤️ 3rd Testament Chapter 7-3

1 year ago

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The Effect of Spiritualism

48. My light, on being spread over the Universe, has given origin to the seeking of My truth in all doctrines, and that is the reason for the positioning of men in their different beliefs.

49. It is the fulfillment of that which was prophesized. Who is it that bears truth? Who, in the clothing of a sheep, hides a ravening wolf? Who is He that by clean clothing ensures absolute purity within?

50. You must practice Spiritualism to find My truth, for humanity has divided into as many beliefs and ideas as evolution has had the mind of men.

51. And so sects and religions have been formed, and it will be very difficult for you to judge the truth that exists in each one of them.

52. My doctrine illuminates the thoughts and ideas of man, and little by little will understand the basis for perfecting his works, channeling them through a more perfect and elevated path.

53. The moment will come when every sect and religion will scrutinize itself to find that which belongs to My Work; but to find this treasure it will be necessary for them to elevate their spirits and hear the voice of the conscience. (363, 4 – 8 and 29)

54. Many religions exist on this earth, but none of them will unite men nor make them love one another. It will be My spiritual Doctrine that performs this work. In vain will the world oppose the advance of this light.

55. When the persecution of My disciples is at its most intense the elements will be unleashed, but shall be calmed by the prayer of these laborers so that humanity may behold an example of the powers that I have given them. (243, 30)

56. The world will tremble when My word is heard in the nations, for the spirit of humanity that is prepared for this revelation will vibrate with pleasure and at the same time fear; then let he, who wishes to know the truth, free himself of the slavery of his materialistic ideas and recreate himself before the luminous horizons that will be presented to his sight. But let those who persist in obfuscation and the struggle against the light remain free to do so.

57. The conversion to spirituality will bring friendship and brotherhood between nations, but it is necessary that you prepare, for the contest will be great. If men rise in wars, it is not because this is My will, but because they have not understood the Law of God. (249, 47 – 48)

58. The time of Universal Judgment has arrived, and I shall judge all works, and all religions. From the spirit of man a clamor will rise, for all that is false will be uncovered, the truth shall shine alone; the awakening shall be among men, and it is then that men will say to Me: “Father, give us your support, give us a true light to guide us.” And that light and support will be the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, the teaching that I have given you, which belongs also to them, and to all, for I am the Father of one and all. (347, 27)

The Importance of the New Revelation

59. In appearance this revelation contains nothing grand, yet you shall see the importance it will have among humanity.

60. Among this people are disciples of every type; some see a glimpse of the magnitude of this work, and foresee the commotion that its appearance will provoke in the world, others are content to believe that this is a good path, and there are others who do not manage to perceive the greatness of this Doctrine and doubt its triumph and its establishment in the hearts of men. I tell you that it is a jewel that I have entrusted to you, whose Divine sparks you have not wished to see because you have not analyzed My teaching.


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