Obedience & Love as Liberator from the Yoke of the Flesh ❤️ Teaching from Jesus thru Jakob Lorber

1 year ago

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Obedience & Love as the Liberator from the Yoke of the Flesh

Household of God - Volume 1 Chapter 69 Verses 6-13

Adam's Son Seth explains...

69,6. "Hear! God has one thing, which is very important to Him and that is His own, eternal Love through which we - and all things for our sake - have come into existence. Through and in this love God is our Father and we are His children. In this love of His He attends to the most insignificant as He does to the greatest with equal care. And thus His unmistakable divinity and fatherly love reveals itself in this loving care.

69,7. "Therefore it is not a matter of indifference to the love of God whether we act in one way or another. If we regarded love as independent, this too is of a nature that it is blind towards the actions of its children, like a tender mother towards her infant However, God would not be a God without love and love without God would not be love. Thus God and His love are one, and God is mighty in His love and love holy through God. And this one God in His oneness is our most loving and holy Father as we in His image are fully His children. We too have a heart and in it a spirit of love and a living, intelligent soul dwells in our whole being. This intellect as such is like that of God and the love of the spirit in the heart with its free will like the love in God. And once through the free will soul and spirit become one being, we too are in everything completely like God and only then His children.

69,8. "Just as God is for us only in the love God and our most loving, holy Father, we too can become His children only in love. God's union with His love is like the obedience. If we with our forward intellect obey the perceived demands of the spirit and thereby unite the light with love we become children of love, full of wisdom and God's goodwill, and children full of eternal life.

69,9. "Now look, dear children, when you through your forward intellect became unfaithful to the innermost love out of God within you, you became disobedient in your soul, your sanctuary, and to the love in God. Then your love withdrew and you lived only in your soul striving for expansion (to infinity, if that were possible). Now judge for yourselves and tell me what would be more solid: a mist spreading in all directions, its transient extent enveloping entire vast regions, or a little round stone transparent like a dew-drop? Behold, therein lies the cause of your fear and your blindness!

69,10. "Is not the little stone so solid that no one could squash it and does it not resist every storm, every pressure and every knock? Yes, you did see the tiger tearing a big ox suddenly to small pieces, but surely, if this tiger had bitten into such a barely egg-sized little stone that would have been the end of the tiger's most awful weapon. And had it swallowed it as a whole, it would have swallowed its death and in the decomposition the little stone would have remained undamaged.

69,11. "Look, children, man in his obedience is like this little stone, but as an external, rational man he is like the mist. But does it not happen that when winds condense such mists this results in drops of water and when many drops flow together they form a lake? When the great weight of the mass of water presses hard in the depth its parts take hold of each other under such pressure and they form a transparent stone, which is then a firm block of rays, one and the same as Thummim, which is a symbol and a great sign of the returning obedience through true remorse.


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