April 8, 2015 ❤️ The Storm of Fear, Doubt & Insecurity is raging... Trust Me unconditionally

2 years ago

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The Lord says… Trust Me unconditionally!…
The Storm of Fear, Doubt & Insecurity is raging

April 8, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Oh Lord, I’m so sorry for my rants today.

Jesus answered… “You are tired. I forgive you Clare, just remember whatever you do for the least of these, truly, you are doing it for Me. That should make it easier for you to keep your perspective and charity.”

(Clare) Thank you. Please, help me to remember that…

(Jesus) “Like I did today, several times?”

(Clare) Oh, that was You?

(Jesus) “Indeed. And it helped didn’t it?”

(Clare) It did. Thank you. I am ashamed of myself.

(Jesus) “You are very human.”

(Clare) Lord, what is on your heart tonight?

(Jesus) “You have many who are insecure about the Rapture – you aren’t the only one.”

(Clare) What do we do?

(Jesus) “Stay in prayer, watch for the signs I send you each day, get Rhemas (Words) from your Bible, speak to Me, dearest. Speak your tender heart to Me. I am here to listen and I promised you I would never leave you on your own. I would never give up helping you learn to listen to Me in confidence. I see the shadows of insecurity in your heart. Don’t think that everyone who puts up a brave front isn’t suffering from the same thing.

“Christian community does not allow for weakness, failure, fear and those very real personal demons you all wrestle with. They are so used to having a band aid Scripture slapped on their owie, they’ve learned to cover up and show a facade that has nothing to do with their inner feelings. This is sad, it makes certain people look like giants and others look like cowards. From My point of view I can tell you, you are all cowards! So get over it and be real with one another.

“Be approachable, be sincere, be vulnerable, be real. This is where the grace goes, to the lowliest place. The cleansing, enlivening graces flow from My throne down to the lowlands, the little ones, the littlest ones. The weakest ones, those who confess they need Me more than life itself. These are the ones I cherish, because they see themselves for who they truly are in My eyes.

“David was one of these, he saw Me beside himself, and he knew his stature in My eyes as something to be pitied. And so he didn’t waste any time trying to impress others with his greatness; rather he sought Me out in every circumstance from lions to giants, and when he didn’t rely on Me, he failed. But even in his failure he came to Me with confidence in My love and Mercy. He had seen it oh so many times before, and He knew My character. It is when you don’t rely on My wisdom that you fail.”

(Clare) Lord you know I’m struggling tonight again, how do you put up with me?

(Jesus) “Easily, because I know you love Me and in the end My Love will triumph. I can see what your senses, your wisdom are raging at you, let’s not leave out the enemy here, he is doing his thing. You are in a battle Clare and your only hope is to totally abandon yourself to Me in complete trust. You haven’t got long to go, the tests, the temptations, they will be fierce, but as long as you hold fast to Me and what I’ve told you, you will make it.”


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