April 7, 2015 ❤️ Jesus explains... Everything seems as usual, but so much happens behind the Scenes

2 years ago

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Jesus explains... Everything seems Business as usual,
but so much is happening behind the Scenes

April 7, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... Oh Lord how I wish there were time. So many souls, so lost, so confused, I wish I could touch more, I wish WE could touch more.

Jesus answered... “I know.”

(Clare) I wish we had more time.

(Jesus) “I know. But we don’t.”

(Clare) But everything seems so normal, you know…

(Jesus) “Buying and selling, marrying and giving in marriage?”

(Clare) Yes. The world seems so stable just like it will go on forever.

(Jesus) “I know. But it won’t. It’s deceiving, so much is happening behind the scenes that very few care to know about as long as they can maintain the status quo.”

(Clare) People are responding.

(Jesus) “They are afraid.”

(Clare) Well, at least they are responding. Couldn’t we have more time?

(Jesus) “If you knew what I know, you wouldn’t ask that question.”

(Clare) Well every day I struggle with this. The world seems so stable, so normal, if it weren’t for what is written in the Book of Revelation and for You, I’d think it would go on forever.

(Jesus) “Aren’t you glad you have Me?”

(Clare) Oh my goodness, life would not be life but a walking nightmare without You, Jesus.

(Jesus) “I know how you feel, I know how you feel because I weigh the pros and cons and I feel the same way. But we have knowledge of what’s really going on, you don’t. It is the status quo thing. Don’t upset my apple cart, let me get these apples to market, sell them, come home with a profit and go shopping. Just let me live my life. This is where most are at. In the meantime others are stealthily planning their assault. They rest in their plans because they know the masses are still filling their carts with apples and as long as that process can continue, they will be happy.”

“Others, who value freedom of religion, freedom of speech, justice and security in those things, others are alarmed and filled with consternation, making plans to escape what they plainly see coming. Others yet are looking skyward, waiting for Me to rescue them.”

“Clare, it’s happening right before your very eyes, but life before you is lived in layers. To one layer it is the apple cart, to another it is dominance, to another it is freedom, to another yet, it is Heaven, but all the layers are before you. You each day must choose which layer you are going to live in. Which layer is your reality, who is your master, who you will serve. Until one of the layers explodes and takes away the rights of the other layers and the world is turned upside down and inside out and looking back people will say... ‘How did this happen?’”

“It happened because you chose to live in an isolated layer that appeared to provide all you needed. You didn’t look beyond that layer because you were busy succeeding in this one. Then one day….well, it all ended, and left you standing in confusion, if you are one of the lucky ones who are still standing.”

“Nothing will be remembered of the fatness of the land when it collapses. Only bitter memories of what was lost. Then from the rubble they will seek Me. They will realize their love affair with the world left them naked and destitute. And when they find Me, I will embrace them, pour oil upon their wounds and raise them up in holiness.”


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