Let's Make a Deal! Why is THAT in the Bible Part 3

2 years ago

For sure one of the odder passages in Scripture is found Genesis 18 where Jesus, while paying Abraham a visit, tells him that the angels that had accompanied Him and have just left were heading to Sodom because God was about to destroy the whole city for their gross sin. What follows is an exchange between Jesus and Abraham where it seems like Jesus is willing to barter and possibly change His plans for Sodom to appease Abraham.

This passage causes us to ask several questions such as why does Jesus engage in a back and forth with Abraham and not just put him in his place like He does to Job? But since He does engage in a back and forth with him, does that mean that God can, under certain circumstances, change His mind? Is God ever willing to change His plan if we ask Him to? Is it ever appropriate to barter with God? Is God ever willing to bend to our will? And of course, there is the question of why is this passage in the Bible?

Join us as we answer these and other questions!

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