How you can reverse diabetes with yoga and meditation

2 years ago
A complete package of asanas, pranayama, meditation and some body-cleansing practices has proven to be beneficial in controlling diabetes, says yoga guru Dr Kamini Bobde

New Delhi | Updated: October 22, 2022 3:49:29 p

A complete package of asanas, pranayama, meditation, and some body-cleansing practices has proven to be beneficial in controlling diabetes, says Kamini Bobde.(Representative image)
Written by Kamini Bobde
Sangita is an example of someone who triumphed over diabetes through the dedicated practice of yoga and diet control. Depressed and worried about the side effects of not only diabetes but also of the medicines prescribed for it, she came to my yoga class. Most health issues need insight into the individual’s life as a whole to ferret out the root cause and then give corrective solutions. Doctors usually only go by the symptoms and prescribe medicines.
But in a yoga class people drop their masks and open up about their life. So it was with Sangita. It was obvious that diabetes was an induced and situational problem. A working woman with two children, she was going through a divorce and its attendant problems. Sangita needed de-stressing, emotional and mental cleansing, and balancing. Diabetes disappeared as magically as it appeared within six months of her yoga regime and diet control. She started with cleansing and the daily practice of asana, pranayama, and meditation. She took recourse immediately to re-arranging the world, which was under her control to face the world, which was beyond her control.
Diabetes is a disease of high blood sugar brought on by bad dietary habits, sedentary life, pollution, and the stresses of a fast-paced life. The estimates in 2019 showed that 77 million individuals had diabetes in India, which is expected to rise to over 134 million by 2045. Approximately 57 percent of these individuals remain undiagnosed. These are disquieting figures because diabetes is a debilitating illness that can affect the heart, lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, bone, nervous system, thyroid gland, eyes, and skin. It can also induce depression.
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Type 1 diabetes is genetic and not much is known about why it occurs. Type 2 diabetes, however, has been traced to stress, and an imbalanced diet with high-calorie foods like carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol, and fried foods. Consumption of these foods over a period results in obesity and increased levels of glucose in the body. Insulin is the hormone produced by the pancreas to carry the glucose to the cells for producing energy or storing it for later use. With excess glucose in the body due to a faulty diet, the pancreas releases excess insulin to manage high glucose levels in the blood, and finally, there is a breakdown in its functioning. From the above, it is obvious that diet and exercise are the only way to revitalize the pancreas and overcome diabetes.
A complete package of asanas, pranayama, meditation, and some body-cleansing practices has proven to be beneficial in controlling diabetes. The best is to the first start
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