Monitors | Russia-West Rivalry | Iran-Armenia Relations | Lebanon topics | Ep 171 - Oct 23, 2022

1 year ago

Armenian News Network - Groong Week in Review - Oct 23, 2022

* Monitors in Armenia
* Russia-West Rivalry in the South Caucasus
* Armenian-Iranian Relations
* Maritime Agreement between Israel and Lebanon
* State of Lebanon’s Presidential Election

* Arthur Khachikyan
* Yeghia Tashjian - TW/@Yeghig

00:00:00 Intro
00:00:45 Intro to topics
00:01:55 Intro to guests
00:02:38 Monitoring in Armenia
00:17:36 Russia-West Rivalry
00:27:46 West vs Russia on “Zangezur Corridor”
00:28:22 West vs Russia on Artsakh status
00:32:12 Is Russia pushing the “Zangezur Corridor”?
00:33:54 The Syria Scenario for Syunik
00:34:53 Meaning of “Unobstructed” for Azerbaijan
00:36:05 Iran-Armenia Relations
00:40:07 Are Western Observers a threat to Iran
00:40:50 Is Iran driven by Geopolitics or Geo-economics?
00:43:48 Would Iran go to war for Armenia?
00:45:37 Why is Armenia Shopping in India and Iran?
00:50:15 What is Armenia’s Vision for itself in the Region?
00:54:36 Lebanon-Israel maritime agreement
00:56:44 Will Lebanon Elect a new president?
00:57:56 State of the Armenian community
00:59:10 Rants
00:59:20 Hovik’s rant
01:00:32 Yeghia’s rant
01:01:11 Arthur’s rant
01:02:00 Goodbyes
01:02:13 Closing Comments

* Hovik Manucharyan TW/@HovikYerevan
* Asbed Bedrossian TW/@qubriq

Episode 171 | Recorded: October 23, 2022

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