Monster Rancher 2 DX: Raising Hares 1

2 years ago

Today's offering the sate my endless boredom is a game from my youth. Monster Rancher 2 DX a remake of an old classic game. It is essential your granddad's pokemon. This is the game is what Pokemon nuzlockers are trying to replicate. You have a single monster, and you train to be a fighter. It is light on story and honestly all about battles. I will be shelving my little shit of a hopper. To raise one of my favorite types of monster...a Hare. Imagine if you made Chuck Norris in his prime a rabbit furry and replaced his hands with boxing gloves.

Because I want to be extra special, we are going to be using a Prince Hare. A Hare/Gail variant. Using the CD CZAT by Hurt, we will generate our fighting hare. His stat spread is pretty unremarkable save for his Pow, Spd, and Def. His starting Spd is 140 so he should dodge everything in the lower ranks. His Pow is 130 so he should hit like a Buick going 10 mph. But his Def is only 50. So he can throw and dodge like Muhammad Ali. But if his opponent spits on him or his a hare's breath (pun intended) too slow he may take massive damage. I also chose this CD because aside from the standard Guts, he gets Fury. Which should come in handy.

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