1 year ago

The term “Future Dreaming” is about imagining and envisioning a future along with the emotional and mental states that accompany it. It is not Robert Moss’s idea of Dreaming, which uses altered states to access other times/spaces.

Reality creation/manifestation using the Law of Attraction is called Resonance Creation. Coming neither from the left or the right politically, but not in the corporate controlled “center” are those who are in the In-Between, where Future Dreaming and creativity of imagination are at their highest.

Presenter is Ginger Chalford Metraux PhD is a future dreamer. She and many others
are imagining the new patterns and platforms of a Luminous New World inhabited by a Luminous New Human that can emerge from the dark chaos and destruction going on now.

In this New View Ginger shares ideas, programs and resources for any who would like to join her in co-creating a new beautiful human society that we all can enjoy.

Ginger integrates psychology with mysticism as she seeks a higher consciousness perspective for everyday life as well as for the world. Through her background as musician, artist, psychologist, nutritionist, astrologer, and now channeler, she is focused on creating a pathway to a positive future for herself and others. Find her manifestation/spiritual knowledge on and channeled wisdom available on

Resources for Future Dreaming

The term “Future Dreaming” is about imagining and envisioning a future along with the emotional and mental states that accompany it. It is not Robert Moss’s idea of Dreaming, which uses altered states to access other times/spaces.

Reality creation/manifestation using the Law of Attraction is called Resonance Creation. Coming neither from the left or the right politically, but not in the corporate controlled “center” are those who are in the In-Between, where Future Dreaming and creativity of imagination are at their highest.

Here are some ideas for your Future Dreaming and Resonance Creation.

The Charles Eisenstein blogs that I share with comments about the future. His books are filled with ideas and templates for better healthier futures.
Sacred Economics, and The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible

#1 There's no One Driving the Bus

#2 The Heartland

Where Charles spoke was at the Fuller Field School. Circle 7 Fuller Farms is a working farm that demonstrates the principles of regenerative agriculture and teaches them to farmers. Here is a video where one of the Fullers describes their school and purpose; Also, permaculture;

In Australia, Walter Jehne at Regenerate the Earth site, discusses soil and hydration, see talk #3 for awesome info re; methane!

his site rehabs and regenerates land and soil - a future of healing!

Zach Bush, who continues to share how to restore the earth’s biome as well as our own personal biome. He promotes a return to natural law and governance, to a clean life free of chemicals and drugs. He addresses ways to shift the narrative and look at things from a more holistic perspective.

Eco Governance from Dr. Shelly Ostroff and her partner Yan. They are the founders of the and the ECO Governance Whole Health Systems.
World Unity Week, the concept of Eco-Governance (from Ostroff et al)

A new word and its definition; holon;


Birthing A New World (with Humanity’s Team) Conference – again Oneness is not everyone being slaves to some overlord but participating as equals in uniting (This is the Aquarian principle)

John Peterson and the Arlington Institute in Berkeley Springs West VA Discussions on the future with Greg Braden, Penny Kelly and John, plus seminars from futurists.


Penny Kelly, author of Robes, which predicted a grim future and long transition to the New World, has now come out with REVIVAL; Path to a New Earth/New Human, provides a workbook for imagining and dreaming the future with in-depth questions on all areas of change (institutions, relationships, health, etc.)

Dr. David E. Martin
David details the structure of a new society as well as the ongoing breakdown of this one. Tickets available at this time at;

Cancel the Apocalypse! 30 Documentaries to help unlock the good Ending.

Independents Conference (POLITICAL SYNERGY)
Politically, going beyond partisanship, are the new class of independents
They are having a conference in Austin Texas at the end of Oct 2022
Oct 29 - 30 in Austin TX, a large gathering of independents beyond partisanship

Regenerating Democracy with the Organic Consumers Association

Personal Transformation is Key to World Change

Dr Joe Dispenza gives tips on Future Dreaming;

Riane Eisler envisions a new form of relationship beyond the dominator system developed from the patriarchy. She calls it a partnership system, and her books explain how to get there and share ideas and templates for a new personal and global future.

Books are; The Chalice and the Blade, Nurturing Our Humanity, The Real Wealth of Nations (Creating Caring Economies). See more at

George Monbiot’s books give us a template to shift into.
He has written the following books with useful new visions and ideas:
Regenesis; Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet
Feral (about rewilding)
Out of the Wreckage; A New Politics for an Age of Crisis The Age of Consent; A Manifesto for a New World Order

Findhorn is also working on healing people and creating a healthier holistic community. One of their recent workshops was entitled “Leading from the Future.”

The Shift Network Big names and big impact come from this huge worldwide network. They hold a grand future vision, starting with the individual and expanding to community and the world.

Caitlin Johnstone has a poetic perspective on the future in her poem

Technology can be used for good or ill

Frequency medicine is the future for humans.

Technology will serve us, but we also can work with our own resonance.
Red light therapy
BEMER and PEMF devices
Advanced biofeedback, homeopathy, scalar, advanced radionics, and many more

In the movie Thrive, you may see natural technologies from around the world now being studied and implemented.

And the New View team members also belong on this list. They are waking people up with their information and vision.

Alanna Hartzok, who has been a Democratic and Green Party candidate for Congress, envisions how to shift taxes off of labor and production and onto commons rent to address wealth inequality and root causes of war

Ellen Brown and her vision of freeing oneself from the debt economy

Diane Perlman and her demystification from collective psychological manipulation while championing strategies to improve institutions and governance, enabling us to heal from the current political trauma and betrayal by our leaders

Nori Huddle and her Greatest Game on Earth that wizens us up into a loving society

Marilyn Langlois, speaking for human rights and worker empowerment for a revitalizing of communities

Carol Brouillet who has run as a Green Party candidate on a freedom-of-speech and corporate-accountability platform.

Suggested by Diane; Johan Vincent Galtung the principal founder of the discipline of peace and conflict studies.

Paul Fitzgerald and Liz Gould They have regular podcasts “This paradigm is ending; what’s next?” Check out their “A Declaration of Human Rights for the 21st century World” Peace Proposal,

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