Edward Passamonte - A FormerFedsGroup Interview

2 years ago

Virginia Passamonte talks about what happened to her husband Edward in an American Hospital regarding Covid Protocols. "My husband and I both got covid around Aug 16 2021 we were getting better he was feeling better first so he was going to try and work  that day on Aug 20 but when he got up he was dizzy and had fallen and hit his head. I told him with not eating much he is probably dehydrated. I wanted him to get his head checked and hoped they would give him some fluids.  He called me and said they would be keeping him.  He said they were going to start him on the remdesivir and he thought that would be a good thing. We didn’t realize that there was now a different covid and this medication didn’t help and was very dangerous after a period of time of being sick."

To read more about this heartbreaking story and other stories visit https://chbmp.org/cases/murdered-by-fda-death-protocol/edward-passamonte/

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