Save This Endangered Beetle Species - Lucanus bermani

1 year ago

Save This Endangered Beetle Species - Lucanus bermani
19 Quintilian insects are thought to exist on Earth. That is made up of 10 and 19 zeros.
A Helmet Bastard, also known as the HERMANN stag beetle (Lucanus bermani), was first described by DELISTE in 1973.
The stag beetle appears to be carrying a new weapon—a helmet. If the arsenal is a little too heavy when it gets to this phase, he will be exhausted. The Taiwanese stag beetle is a close buddy that lives in mountainous areas of China at altitudes of roughly 1,000 meters, including Guangdong, Sichuan, and Hainan.
Main distribution: Central to Southern China (Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan, Hainan)
You may help us rescue this threatened species by letting us know where they can be located close by and by making your yard stag beetle friendly.

Save This Endangered Beetle Species - Lucanus bermani

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