Time for new blood

2 years ago

Time for new blood
California is no longer affordable. Prices for homes, rent, and everyday goods like gas and groceries are skyrocketing. Sacramento politicians don’t feel the impact of their decisions – they only enjoy the benefits given to them by the special interests that influenced their votes. It’s time to change Sacramento and restore California to a safe and affordable state.

I’m not a politician – I’m a concerned citizen, father and small business owner looking to give back to our community. Born in Mexico, I came to California as a teenager with my family seeking a better life. My parents taught me the value of hard work, education, and service. I picked strawberries, tomatoes,
potatoes, and shined shoes until I saved up enough to start my own business. I achieved the American Dream and I want to help others create a better life.

As a resident and business owner in Riverside County, I’ve fought to help others and create jobs. Community leaders, business owners, and students tell me about the limited opportunities they face,
that’s why I decided to run and make a difference in Sacramento.

As our next State Assemblymember, I’ll fight for what’s best for our community:
1. Safer neighborhoods and parks.
2. High-quality education for our children.
3. Lower our cost of living and improve our quality of life.
4. Promote higher paying jobs in Riverside County.

I pledge that I will be available to meet with you and I will vote for what’s best for our community. I
would be honored to receive your vote for State Assembly.

Hector Diaz

VIDEO-Bill Gates
Hector Diaz Nava
Assembly District 60

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Rudy Running for Congress
Rudy Recile for Congress- https://rudyforuscongress.com
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Small business owner, retired Army Major, first-generation American running for Congress in 8th District
Solano Republican Assembly Proudly endorses Rudy Recile for U.S. Congress, District 8, for the 2022 election.

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