Golden Orb filmed by Jason Suraci

2 years ago

The golden orb has been visiting Jason for awhile now. Multiple places, over a few years now.

It's reported to be low flying, not making any sound and gold in color. While it's not showing up on the satellite trackers - we still think it actually may be one.

For a satellite to not show up on the satellite tracker - it must be pretty secretive. If it's not a satellite - wow, incredible! Over the years of posting the golden orb, a lot of folks out there have likened it to being the ISS - however the ISS at the time of this object being filmed, wasn't supposed to go across the sky until later that morning. Jason stayed up and filmed the ISS flying by as well for comparison.

Just what is this golden orb that Jason's been capturing over the last few years, we just can't say for certain.

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