Tired of Politicians You and Your Family? Unlisted Video

1 year ago

Politicians who stay in office too long care more about you kissing their ring and enriching themselves than representing you and doing what’s right for your family.

Kentucky’s Mitch McConnell and Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski are classic examples of that.

Not only has Mitch McConnell defunded Arizona Good Guy for Senate Blake Masters, who would fight to secure the border and take the seat away from Democrat Mark Kelly, but he has thrown that money to his bosom buddy, the wretched Lisa Murkowski, who pushed “ranked choice” voting on Alaska – a system where you’re forced to vote for someone you don’t want to win.

That’s how Alaska – a mostly Republican state – gave the pseudo-majority of the vote to a Democrat and not Republican Sarah Palin.

That’s also how Murkowski plans to win re-election, because she’s horrible and not liked in Alaska. McConnell is funding Murkowski and not the official, chosen candidate of the Alaska Republican party, Kelly Tshibaka.

If Republicans regain the Senate, Mitch would be its leader. And he will betray you, just as he has in the past, and just as he is currently. He doesn’t want a secure border or anyone representing the people. You worthless citizens... it’s about Mitch! Not you. No matter where you live.

If there’s any justice, Masters, Palin, and Tshibaka will win and stuff Mitch.

Besides, who doesn’t want Sen. Tshibaka. I mean, that’s epic.

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