Vurhonga Savanna The Movie (all main missions) theHunter: Call of the Wild PS5

1 year ago

#TheHunterCallOfTheWild #TheHunterCOTW
All main missions from Vurhonga Savanna.
00:00 - Welcome to Vurhonga
05:32 - Mind the Traps
08:02 - Across the Savanna
10:13 - Praise the Ancestors
14:02 - The History of All Tribes
15:50 - Mucking for Science
20:09 - Mampara
21:48 - The Last Rhino
25:38 - Traffic Jam
27:25 - Observe and Report
30:43 - Take Shelter
33:47 - Our Place at the Potholes
40:22 - Hunter and Hunted
43:17 - Crossing Over
45:11 - Cave of the Ghost Jackal
49:09 - The Ghost Tree

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