Nuclear War & Condition of the Church Dreams

1 year ago

These are warning dreams God gave to Brother Christopher Uko.
"Dream about the coming nuclear war and the condition of the church
On the morning of October 5th when I laid down to rest after my night shift job, I had a dream and in that dream I was shown a nuclear weapon called Poseidon #170. I know I have heard the name Poseidon before, it’s a nuclear weapon in Russian arsenal but I couldn’t make the connection in the dream. I was meant to understand that it was this particular weapon that is going to be launched, unfortunately it was not revealed when and where it was going to be launched. I woke up pondering on the implication; whether it has a connection to Russia - Ukraine crisis.

Later that day when I was taking a little nap I had another dream and in that dream I found myself standing outside our home, our neighbors were also standing outside their homes, all engaged in various activities. Suddenly, a mighty swamp of locusts descended from the sky, it felt like thick dusts as it drowned everything in its part. I was meant to understand that this is how the nuclear cloud from the Poseidon #170 is going to engulf the people.
I noted that after the blast there was an overwhelming feeling of helplessness. If this actually happens it’ll take time before help could arrive and it’ll come with a little relief. People of God, I believe God is trying to warn humanity about the danger ahead. The handwriting is already on the wall. Let us all run as quick as we can to the Lord our God and surrender completely unto Him before it is too late.

On the 10th of October, 2022, I had a dream. I believe in this dream God was trying to show me the condition of the church. In the dream, I saw myself in an open field with other Christian believers. The field was overlayed with seeds of prophetic declarations made over the peoples’ lives. Some of the believers were found kneeling while others were laying down on those prophetic declarations waiting for it to manifest. As I continued to observe what’s was going on, I spotted a white fur leather jacket hanging on a platform, the jacket appeared beautiful but on a closer look I noticed that it was raggedy and worn out. I asked who it belongs to and was told that it belongs to the pastor. I was meant to understand that the jacket represents the authority of the pastor, the raggedness of the jacket means that the pastor who the jacket belongs to has little or no authority which is why his prophetic declarations were not manifesting."

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