The mistakes in ablution may be yours too - Sheikh Ahmadullah | ওজুতে যেভুলগুলো হয়তো আপনারও হয়

1 year ago

The mistakes in ablution may be yours too - Sheikh Ahmadullah | ওজুতে যেভুলগুলো হয়তো আপনারও হয়-শাইখ আহমাদুল্লাহ
#ওজু #SheikhAhmadullah #AsSunnahFoundation

Assalamu Alaikum,

As-Sunnah Foundation is a non-profit, non-political and service organization fully dedicated to human welfare. This institution is a teacher of humanity, an ambassador of human liberation and peace, an ideal of human service, following the footsteps of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), serving humanity.

one of our main goals has always been to show our fellow Non-Muslims that Islam is truly a peaceful religion, and to show kindness to all, as the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). said: WA KHAALIQIN NAASA BI KHULUQIN HASAN – Behave with the people in a respectful manner because our actions represent Islam.

our content promotes nothing but peace,

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