AndersonPlays Roblox BedWars 🎃 [HALLOWEEN!] Update - New Crypt Kit Gameplay

1 year ago

Hi. I'm Anderson and this is AndersonPlays BedWars 🎃 [HALLOWEEN!]!

The October 22, 2022 Roblox BedWars Battle Pass Season 6 Halloween Update introduces the new Crypt Kit, which can be purchased with 399 Robux or obtained by completing the new Halloween Crypt Trials game mode. Unfortunately, this Halloween 2022 Update of Roblox BedWars was delayed a day, then delayed 5 more hours, then delayed 10 more minutes, and then still came out broken. The Crypt Trials game mode was super messed up unplayable, and the devs disabled it shortly after this release failure fiasco. I stayed up late to make a vid right when the update dropped last night, and was super disappointed to see sad sad state of the update. I was happy though to wake up this morning to see that the kit was obtainable despite being with Robux.

When playing Roblox BedWars as Crypt Kit, you can claim souls from defeated players. You don't even have to be the person to deliver the final blow on someone. When a player goes down, they will be replaced with a tombstone, and you can collect their soul from this tombstone drop. With souls, you can spawn Skeletons. If you collect a bunch of souls, you can spawn a Skeleton army! Though the Skeletons don't have super much HP, they have the armor and sword from their former player. The other cool thing about Skeletons is that you spawn them similarly to launching Telepearls, which means that you can launch spawn them across the map!

Here are the sections for this gameplay video showing off the new Crypt Kit in Roblox BedWars 🎃 [HALLOWEEN!] Update:
0:00 Intro
0:14 Purchasing Crypt Kit
0:35 Entering Squads Match As Crypt Kit
1:38 Crypt Kit Match Start
2:00 Going Out Fighting And Getting Juked
3:22 Getting First Kill And But Not First Soul
3:45 Claiming First Soul And Spawning First Skeleton
5:11 Getting Next Skeleton To Replace The First That Expires
5:25 Out And About Fighting With Skeletons And Claiming Souls
10:06 Almost Taking Out Green's Bed
10:42 Can I Build A Crypt Kit Skeleton Army?
23:18 Unleashing Late Game Skeleton Power!
25:50 Outro

Unfortunately I can't quite yet ask what you think of the Roblox BedWars Halloween 2022 Update and Crpyt Trials, but what do you think of the new Crypt Kit? I love it! It's really powerful and scales even stronger into the late game. Hopefully the devs leave this kit strong past just Halloween and don't nerf it into the ground.

#bedwars #crypt #halloween2022

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