Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 20th Dominica after Pentecost...23 October 2022 AD...

2 years ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on 20th Dominica after Pentecost...23 October 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 20th Dominica after Pentecost...23 October 2022 AD...the spiritual conversion of a soul that is gone astray is a miracle of God, and without God it can never be accomplished. And so it is recorded in today's Gospel that the miraculous cure a dying son of a certain lord, by Christ Our Lord, that is by God Himself, is preceded by Our Lord showing the unbelieving world the obvious truth that without miracles and supernatural signs from God the human race is not willing to believe the truth of salvation, and that, and this is the truth today, nearly the whole world is gone astray from this same truth of salvation, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, and thus the world of sin cannot recover itself without the mercy from Our Lord...and God will only grant it to those who strive in their true humility and true sincerity to obtain it from Him...nothing less will do as anything else is not the truth.


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