American theoretical physicist Brian Green explains dark matter in great detail.

2 years ago

Go to Universe Space SL to watch the full video. The latest information on the subject of space to you. Know new things. Learn. Enjoy yourself. Please subscribe to the channel. American theoretical physicist Brian Green explains in great detail the mysterious things we call dark matter. Brian
Green mentions several scientific hypotheses that could explain what dark matter is. Scientists believe this was normal in the first few minutes after the Big Bang.
Brian Greene takes some everyday examples to illustrate this stuff that we can't see, so we get a better picture of what dark matter really is.
Some theories suggest that it could be ordinary objects such as cold gas, dark galaxies or black holes.
This dark matter remains mysterious and proponents of the dark matter hypothesis have their own explanation for the recent discovery of a cosmic relationship between the rotation speed of galaxies and their visible matter content. You may have learned something new. Have a nice day.

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