how to eat eggs 5 ways best recipes#shorts

2 years ago

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how to eat eggs 5 ways best recipes#shorts

#1. Shakshuka
This North African dish could easily be served for brunch or dinner. Vegetables of your choosing are sliced, chopped, and sauteéd in a pan over high heat. Add spices like paprika and cumin, then combine with a can of crushed whole peeled tomatoes and bring to simmer. Crack 4–6 eggs (depending on how many you're serving) into pan, then, cover and let slowly poach. Serve with thick slices of bread to soak up all the sauce.

#2. Jammy eggs over quinoa
For an on-the-go delight that doesn't skimp on delicious flavor, make a batch of perfectly boiled eggs. "[I love] cooking a perfect jammy eggs, halfway between soft and hard boiled," Annie says. "Halve and sprinkle with za'atar on a bed of quinoa." It seriously takes just nine minutes: Drop eggs in water that is boiling over medium-high heat. Let them gently boil for 7 minutes. Then, using a slotted spoon, place the eggs in a bowl of ice water for two minutes.

#3. Niçoise plate
Another way to incorporate jammy eggs for lunch or dinner is by turning them into a simple, elegant, and brain nourishing Niçoise plate. To make, quarter your eggs and serve them with olive-oil packed tuna, olives, and boiled new potatoes, Fenn says.

#4. Egg over buckwheat crepe
Rather than make breakfast for dinner by making an omelette, "slide a gently-cooked sunny-side-up egg over a buckwheat crepe with a fridge-clean-out of sauteéd vegetables.

#5. Frittata
An egg-based casserole is a quick and easy mid-day meal in the making (that'll taste just as good for dinner or the next day for breakfast). We love this Green Persian Frittata (aka Kuku Sabzi). When it comes to eggs, the sky-or the fridge, really-is the limit.
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