The Book of God's Love, Truth & Wisdom ❤️ The Book of Life... 3rd Testament Chapter 6-1

2 years ago

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The Book of Life
Love, Truth and Wisdom of God

Thus saith the Lord:

1. The book of My word is the book of Divine and true love, in it you will find the unchangeable truth. Turn to it and you will find the wisdom that will help you to evolve and attain peace in eternity. He will be at fault who will alter or modifies its essence and will greatly infringe My Law, who should take or add a single word which will be in disagreement with My perfect Doctrine.

2. "Safeguard this word with its original purity, for it is the most beautiful heritage that I will bequeath to man. Record My teaching and allow it to be known to your brethren; keep it faithfully because you are responsible for that heritage".

3. Tomorrow man will find in it the essence of My revelation, which will guide them along the path of truth with the light of its teachings.

4. From parents to children these writings will be passed on as a spring of living water, whose current will flow endlessly and will go from heart to heart. Study in the great Book of Life, the book of spirituality, that which will explain the Divine revelations which you have received throughout the ages.

5. Did I not promise you that all knowledge would be restored to its original truth? Well this is the time which was announced to you.

6. Truly I say to you that He who meditates and analyzes the teachings of My Book, with a true desire to elevate his knowledge, will acquire the light for his spirit and He will feel Me nearer to him.

7. "The Myths of yesterday and those of today will fall; all that is mediocre and false will crumble, for the moment will come in which you will no longer be nourished by imperfections and the spirit will arise in search of the truth, so that this will serve as its only sustenance".

8. "In these teachings mankind will find the essence of My revelations, which up to now have not been comprehended due to your lack of spirituality. Since ancient times I have entrusted it to you through My envoys, My emissaries, My interpreters, and you have only used it to create Myths and traditions. Meditate and study this lesson with respect and love if you wish to avoid centuries of confusion and bitterness: but remember that you will not fulfill your mission, if you are satisfied with possessing that book only; no, it should awaken and teach you if you truly desire to become My disciples. Indoctrinate with examples, with the love and charity that I have taught you". (20, 1 - 8)

9. The book of My teachings has been formed from the lessons that in this time I have dictated to you through human understanding; with this Book which humanity will come to recognize as the Third Testament, you will defend My Divine cause.

10. Humanity recognizes only the Law of the First Era and what is written in the First and Second Testaments, but the Third shall come to unify and correct that which men have altered through lack of readiness and understanding. Humanity must study My message so that penetrating to the depth of each word it encounters one single ideal, one single truth, one single light that shall guide them to spirituality. (348, 26)

11. I come to reveal to you that which men of science could not teach you, because they do not know it; they have slept in their earthly greatness and have not risen to Me in search of My wisdom.

12. The hearts of the shepherds who in different sects and religions should be teaching the spiritual science that is grandeur and riches for the spirit, have been closed.

13. I have seen that the Law and Doctrines that I gave to humanity in past times are today found hidden and have been substituted for by rites, outward worship, and traditions.


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