Adulterated Kerosene: The Risk and Prevention Measure

1 year ago

Despite the terrible results, some low-income areas of Africa continue to use adulterated kerosene for home cooking.

There have been multiple explosions involving kerosene in the United States, and the media and publications have linked these accidents to tampering.

This domestic kerosene has been intentionally or accidentally tampered with.

Dishonest domestic kerosene merchants and marketers put profit over people's safety by watering down their product. According to reports, highly flammable fuel is the preferred adulterating substance because it is less expensive.

Some big distributors of petroleum products have also been accused of not properly draining their storage tanks and trucks before loading other products. Additionally, this may lead to unintentional product adulteration.

It's not just the kerosene industry that's to fault; shoddy refineries and distilleries, lax oversight, and rampant illegal activity all play a role.

However, this film reveals, at its conclusion, easy control methods and choices to avoid the terrible outcomes of this household kerosene that has been tampered with.

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