Dec 13, 2004 🎺 By the Spirit of God are all Things revealed to the Chosen... Trumpet Call of God

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The Lord says... By the Spirit of God are all Things revealed to the Chosen

December 13, 2004 - From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord... How is it you have not recognized that which comes from The Father? For that which is of the devil is made plain and surrounds you on every side. Therefore the things of God become that much more precious, even as you, My son, are most precious in My sight… Like a gemstone shining in the midst of all this darkness, easily found by the eyes of God, so shall you be in the day you surrender your life, in the day you give up this fight and return to Me.

Do you not understand that I have saved you? No, not by your own works, but by My life, which I willingly gave up for you. Therefore, turn to Me wholly and in truth. And no more let the doctrines of men in the churches steal from your trust; nor let their traditions pollute your faith anymore. Be set apart from the ways of this world, and depart from the churches of men. For I alone am your faith, I alone am your completion.

My son, why do you question yourself, and even more so, the intentions of My servant? I know your heart, I see your every desire, even those things which you keep hidden… Beloved, our bond can never be severed! No, no one on Earth or in Heaven, nor anything in all creation, can break that which The Lord your God has forged in My love!

I know you feel you are stumbling; this is to be human. Yet I am He who shall lift you up, yes, even seventy times seven times. Yet remember this... One who abides in faith does not need all the answers. Or have you never read these Scriptures... 'Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen', and, 'He who dwells in the secret place of The Most High shall abide under the shadow of The Almighty'?

Therefore listen, and you will also know, for by The Spirit of God are all things revealed to the chosen… Search your heart, My son, and you will find Me, embrace My words, and you will begin to know Me… For indeed, there are many gifts of The Spirit which I bestow upon all those who truly love Me, many gifts given to those who are willing to give up everything and follow Me.

Thus Timothy is just one among many who hear My voice, one voice in a great chorus growing ever louder, of the number I am sending. Yet to him did I say... 'Write that which I speak, and place it in a book'; also commanding him to share that which The Spirit causes him to understand. For the latter is that which My people call inspired of God or inspired in The Spirit; and the former, that which the prophets hear, the voice of The Living God. That which is inspired I also offer to you, My son, if you so choose to embrace Me as I truly am…

Therefore rest in Me, My son. For I am He who purifies the heart and gives rest to the heavy-laden. Lay all your burdens upon Me, and be delivered. Put away the cares of this world and those things which cause you to stumble, and be separate from the churches of men, for in them I do not dwell. Then will you begin to see Me as I really am, then you will recognize this trumpet before you, of what sort it truly is. For that which is of God glorifies Me, yet that which is of men and satan pollutes My name and seeks glory for itself.

My son, in all times past, even to this day, have I chosen many to hear My voice and perform My will, for I do not change. Yet even this you have failed to recognize, for the fountains from which you drink are polluted, causing your ears to grow dull and your eyes dim. Yes, many times have I sent out My prophets to blow the trumpet to the people, even arising early and sending them, yet few have ears to hear or eyes to see; behold, the whole world slumbers and the multitudes refuse to hear!


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