Christians Need To Point Out When Others Borrow From Their Worldview

2 years ago

Since God made the world and everything in it. Since God governs the world after His own thoughts and declares truth from Himself. Since God declares what is right and wrong from His perfect standard of Himself - the entire universe cannot help but declare God's truth. And when you have others declare truth statements apart from God's revelation, what Christians need to point out is that non-Christians borrow from their worldview to be able to make those claims.

00:00 - Borrowing From The Christian Worldview
04:11 - Truth Isn't Won By Applause

04-18 - David Wood Vs. Michael Shermer Debate -

#GregBahnsen #Apologetics #BorrowingFromGod

Today's short clip comes from episode 195 which can be found here -

The episode link is

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