April 2, 2015 ❤️ Jesus explains... Turnkey-Event, Mind Control Technology & Signs of My Love

1 year ago

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Jesus explains... I am on My Way...
Mind Control Technology & Signs of My Love

April 2, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... Towards the end of worship, the Lord was to my right pointing to His right, a long sweeping army of warriors looking very much like roman soldiers in their day, galloping towards Earth from space. He was astride a white horse and said…

(Jesus) “I’m coming, I’m on My way. There is a turn-key event, that is what we are waiting for.”

(Clare) They seemed to be between the moon and the Earth.

(Jesus) “As you can see, we are all equipped and ready for the battle. Clare, there is just one event pending, that is the turn-key. Everything is already prepared and ready, in order for it to begin, the key must be turned. Be patient My Love. We are so very, very close. Hope will not disappoint, be patient.”

“I know you are trying, I know you are also being buffeted and you know I will use your suffering even for your children’s conversions.”

(Clare) Yes, what my oldest daughter said to me… well it really surprised me.

(Jesus) “She’s been thinking about this for a long time. The only problem is that it will be too late, she will have to stay behind. That could change. There is yet a narrow window of time, but it is very narrow and short.”

(Clare) This brings up the topic of another revival.

(Jesus) “I am very sorry but that is wishful thinking. Please don’t wobble, this expresses doubt and unbelief on your part.”

(Clare) I’m sorry. It’s been hounding me, Jesus.

(Jesus) “It’s been hounding everyone, these doubts come in waves and sweep over everyone who is waiting for Me. You can be sure that what you are experiencing is universal. To those who are earnestly waiting for My coming. In other words, you are not alone in this. So, when I give you a post, immediately it soothes the hearts of so many. These things are broadcast so to speak. Sent out at large 'into the air.'”

(Clare) What is their source?

(Jesus) “Need you ask?”

(Clare) I mean human or demonic.

(Jesus) “Either way it is what is behind it, but to answer you, demonic. Although mood alterations are also applied by man through electronic devices to sow confusion, anger and depression. This is why communing with Me is so important. This is why so much effort was put into developing a technology that would modify the brain in such a way that the person would lose interest in all things spiritual. This has been a bench mark breakthrough.”

(Clare) I heard... 'Simulated intelligence'. I Wiki-ed it and got directed to 'Artificial Intelligence'.

(Jesus) “My Love, that is the science that developed this evil technology. It is commonly thought to be good for religious fanatics, terrorists, etc. But as usual man found a more evil and practical application in mind control.”

(Clare) Lord, once a person is infected with this will you override it?

(Jesus) “In some situations, yes. But generally speaking if it is received voluntarily with full understanding of the result produced, most likely, no. This is the technology to be used in the ‘mark.’ Although, it has been distributed widely through other programs, unknown to those who have been victimized. In these cases especially, I will interrupt the device’s ability to turn the mind away from Me.


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