Here are the Members of ACIP/CDC (with Phone #s) Who Just Recommended the Potential Murder or Sterilization of Your Children

1 year ago

Here are the phone #s for the 15 members who will be on the very long list of creatures who will be appearing at Nuremberg 2.0:

• Dr. Sarah Long 215-427-5201

• Dr. Grace Lee 650-497-0618

• Lynn Bahta (an RN) 651-201-5505

• Dr. Beth Bell 404-432-3059

• Dr. Oliver Brooks 323-564-4331

• Dr. Wilbur Chen 410-706-5328

• Dr. Sybil Cineas 401-444-4741

• Dr. Helen Keipp Talbot 615-322-2035

• Dr. Matthew Daley 303-393-6604

• Dr. Camille Nelson Kotton 617-726-3812

• Dr. Jamie Loehr 607-697-0360

• Veronica V. McNally (an attorney) 517-432-6969

• Dr. Katherine A. Poehling 336-716-9661 extension: 62540

• Dr. Pablo J. Sánchez 614-722-4559

• Dr. Nirav D. Shah 312-952-6092

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