Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 | IAIN vs LUKE | Button Bash Brothers

2 years ago

Because there doesn't seem to be an easy way to play Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo online , Iain and Luke go head to head in the next best thing.... Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. We were big fans of MvsC2 in the arcades how will MvsC3 shape up and most importantly who is going to win?

#buttonbashbrothers #Marvel #marvelvscapcom2 #marvelvscapcom3 #arcade1up #arcade #online #vs #battle #gamer #gamerdad #dads #dadgaming #dadlife #terriblegaming #dadjokes #spiderman #ironman #ryu #ken #okami #ghostrider #shehulk #capcom #takeyouforaride #iainvsluke #streetfighter #streetfighter6

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