Money Cannot Buy Love

1 year ago
/ The king was / in his counting-house /
/ Counting out / his money /
/ The queen was / in the parlour /
/ Eating bread and honey / / Isn’t life funny / working / for my money / / To pay the rent / to put food in my tummy / / Life is unfair / some are born without a care / / Others work a wage / for 12 hours / in a cage / / You will always / be my honey / so sweet and yummy / / Cannot buy / Love / with / money money money / / The king was / in his counting-house /
/ Counting out / his money /
/ The queen was / in the parlour /
/ Eating bread and honey / / Money talks loudly / listen to the / dirty sound / / Megabucks / ready money / big stash / in a flash / / Easy money / hard cash / be bold / be brash / make a splash / / You will always / be my honey / so sweet and yummy / / Cannot buy / Love / with / money money / / The king was / in his counting-house /
/ Counting out / his money /
/ The queen was / in the parlour /
/ Eating bread and honey / / Credit card / debit card / no cash / instant / plastic / digital money / / Crypto currency / in the cloud / money / no coins / no notes / it is kinda funny / / You will always / be my honey / so sweet and yummy / / Cannot buy / Love / with / money money / / The king was / in his counting-house /
/ Counting out / his money /
/ The queen was / in the parlour /
/ Eating bread and honey / / Paying with my phone / scan a QR code / no cheques / no bounce / digital mode / / Money is a tool / and only a fool / will / fall in love with gold / money money / / You will always / be my honey / so sweet and yummy / / Cannot buy / Love / with / money money /
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