Bunker Report 10/22/22 Repost YouTube Video from 9/24/22

2 years ago

Folks I posted this video on YouTube 9/24/22, 4 days before Ian hit
Ian was a large and destructive High Category 4 hurricane. It is the deadliest hurricane to strike the state of Florida since the 1935. Fulfilling the marking year event of Chuck Youngbrandt vision back in 1999 concerning a Nuclear strike on the U.S. on December 14th of this year.
You can see a old video of that complete vision here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssVsalg-OrM&t=5130s
As of the posting of this video on Rumble today 10/22/22 it is my belief we are 53 days away from 4 nuclear warheads hitting the United States based on Chuck's vision.

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