The TRUTH About Israel Part 2. A People not a Land.

2 years ago

Jesus and his earliest followers, evidence demonstrates, were called ‘Israelites’, ‘Galileans’ or ‘Nazoreans’ by their fellow Israelites. ‘Israel’, or ‘Israelites’ were the preferred terms of self-designation among members of the house of Israel when addressing other members—not ‘Jew’ or ‘Judaism’.

The concepts ‘Jew’, ‘Jewish’, and ‘Christian’ as understood today are shaped more by fourth-century rather than first-century CE realities and hence should be avoided as anachronistic designations for first-century persons or groups. The use of ‘Christian’ is best restricted to its three NT appearances.

Aside from the so-called ‘messianic titles’ or ideological labels, Jesus cus-
customarily was identified, as were his contemporaries, according to family, lineage, tribe, or ethnos, on the one hand, or according to a place of birth, origin, upbringing, and activity, on the other.

The creedal expressions of Acts identifying Jesus as Nazareth (2.22; 3.6;
4.10) are ancient and consistent in their formulation. This reveals an ancient and consistent identification of Jesus, his family, and his initial followers with the localities of Galilee and Nazareth28 but not Judaea. Jesus and his followers were said to have visited Judaea, but they were never called Jewish by fellow insiders.

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