Amazon Reviews, my experience with them. Italian language.

1 year ago

Are you sure Amazon will allow you to prove that the product you bought, is not what is described on the Amazon's page?
Here there is my experience with them.
Every time I waste time making videos and to prove that one product I paid is like that, is the same how it is, if my review is negative, the video will be never public, and it will be rejected.
After a couple of times, where I proved the product is different from what I saw, even on the reviews of other people, Amazon didn't allow me to post my video that honestly prove what I got.
Here is the proof.
So in my opinion, never trust the Amazon reviews, they are fake.
As you can see on the video, a lot of 5 stars for a product described for 25W that 25W it is not, I think even 18W it is not, and I proved it.
Amazon cannot to accept the truth, this is why the cancelled my video prove.
This really annoy me, because I do this due to help people choosing the right product and not to waste time waiting for it, waiting to give it back, waiting for the refund and waiting to buy another one.
As you can see, Amazon don't allow me to do it.
Only 5 stars reviews are allowed.

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