1 year ago

Recently a HS friend of mine sadly endured the death of his son due to addiction. His sad posts about this tragedy and the reality of, “We did everything we could to help him,” were compelling! I can only imagine the heartache of losing a son. At the time, I thought about a video on this topic, but I did not feel it was appropriate. Today I feel that enough time has passed and now with the holiday season approaching it is time to talk about addiction.

For me personally alcohol way my addiction. Don Johnson and I have something in common, “The battle with the bottle!” For years I denied the obvious, until I hit my bottom, or was it a bottom? My bottom, if you will, at the time really reduced me to a cup of coffee at Barnes and Noble, a pen and a pad of paper. Ascension would never have been created on that pad of paper if I hadn’t done what I did to be reduced to such humble means egotistically speaking.

I have been to rehab 2 times, which I personally found very enjoyable, but no matter whether I followed their advice, was counselled, and went to AA meetings, nothing clicked long enough for me to get clear on what the internal and external issue that led me to drink was until I realized that I drank because I was bored and lonely. I needed something bigger than myself. That is how Ascension came to be. Back then I had no real idea what I was doing, but one day at a time with consistency and diligence I kept at it and dreamed of better days! 15 years later here we are!

Addiction has many faces, but my experience is that in addition, the problem is not Me vs. You, although it can be, it really is Me vs. Me. The irritation of the egotistical energy of survival is very confusing and exhausting. Giving up and looking to chemicals was not the real issue here, or at least it wasn’t for me! You must find something outside of yourself that is bigger than you. If you do not, you will circle and cycle to oblivion in your addiction, whatever your addiction is!
Addiction has many faces like food, sex, drugs, alcohol, exercise, drama if you are cunning, and our own bodily chemical from an egotistical high associated with an egotistical win. My father was a car salesman. He used to come home from work in a great mood pumping his fist in celebration after a sale saying with vigor, “I buried em!” All I knew was that he was excited to make a great commission, that it was at the expense of another, and that he was in a good mood, so I was safe from the belt!

For me, my best friend alcohol was agonizing. My Buddy Wieser, Jon and Jim like George Thoroughgood sings about in I Drink Alone was the ritual and being a functional drinker took so much effort during the day, and then I was back at it at night. The thing that saved me besides God, was to remain functional until I found my purpose and ultimately my vision of HOE. Once this occurred, my addiction to alcohol ceased. I had to get out of myself egotistically speaking to see my purpose and get on my path in fulfillment my purpose and my gift. The cycle and circle were Me vs. Me. Breaking this cycle and circle was not easy, but here we are! The result and my gift are my first book titled Ascension: Book 1; Me vs. You.

My definition of Ascension in Ascension is to aspire beyond the egotistical energy of significance or insignificance as it relates to difference or indifference, or more simply stated Me vs. You. When you aspire beyond the energy of Me vs. You, you find the energy of Me and You which is of essence and effervescence. It is from this perspective that the 10 Commandments are no longer lofty. Like easing into a warm bath, they just feel good!

To learn more and how to break the cycle and circle of Addiction, get your own copy of Ascension: Book 1; Me vs. You, by going to or copy and paste into your browser on the link below:

Thank you for watching and I’ll see you soon!!!

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