The Eel Power Animal

1 year ago
Welcome to the world of power animals. Power animals are an incredible source of inspiration and support. They communicate with us by their example which is basically their body language. Today we’ll look the eel.

There are almost 900 species of eels in the world that live both in fresh and salt water. They come in all different sizes, shapes, and colors. Eels have elongated wormlike or snakelike bodies. They have complex life cycles with long spawning migrations. They live in the shallow waters of the ocean and burrow backward into the sand or mud. Moray and conger eels inhabit rock crevices, while other species form large colonies in tropical reef areas. During their juvenile and adult life, most eels are solitary, moving slowly by means of graceful lateral movements with their fins. They often hide and isolate themselves during the day then go out at night to hunt. Eels have sharp teeth, powerful jaws, and an amazing sense of smell for hunting. The observant eel hides or camouflages themselves well until just the right moment. Although passive and patient, they can swim very fast to get what they want.

The elusive eel is a master of disguise and flexibility. Their ease of movement gives them a capacity for attacking quickly but also to escape from difficult situations – thus the term, slippery eel. The adaptable eel is mysterious and even electric. They symbolize defense, strength, wisdom, and transformation. Visit our website for a free power animal reading to find which animal resonates with your character. You may be surprised.

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