Tony Rodrigues - Ceres Colony Cavalier's Dark Fleet & Breakaway colony experiences

2 years ago

Ceres is a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It was the first asteroid discovered, on 1 January 1801, by Giuseppe Piazzi at Palermo Astronomical Observatory in Sicily, and announced as a new planet.

Ceres is one of the most interesting celestial bodies in our solar system, even without the possibility of a breakaway Nazi colony having been established there.

What does Tony Rodrigues have to say that corroborates the legends of a breakaway colony grown into a breakaway society that is somewhere between Star Wars and Star Trek?

Did the Vril society's Maria Orsic channeled designs that Nazis used to create some of the Wunderwaffe "wonder-weapons" keep getting developed after they escaped to Antarctica with before the end of the war?

Who had flying discs with directed energy weapons that scared off Admiral Byrd and Operation Highjump from Antarctica?

Who flew discs over Washington DC in broad daylight July 12-29, 1952 in what was sometimes called the Invasion of Washington?

Who established what became the Lunar Operations Centre (LOC) on the moon in the no-no shape?

Did this breakaway society of Nazis populate Ceres to have a planetary body for a Fourth Reich and to further their alliance with the Dark Fleet reptilians?

Tony Rodrigues says he was sold into slavery and used by this breakaway society of Nazis aboard Dark Fleet craft.

CERES - New & Untold Memories with Tony Rodrigues - The enLIGHTenUP Podcast

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